
WOMEN Ministry

This ministry aims to assist, help, build, teach, coach and guide women through the undiluted words of God necessary to equip them in their various roles as mother, lover, worker, wife, daughter in laws, mother in laws, mangers and counsellors. Also provides counselling to married women about marriage enrichment, marriage stability, children stability.
This is a dynamic ministry that continues to organise programmes and yearly conferences such as “Thank God, I Am A Woman” (TGIAAW)


Through divine wisdom. This ministry provides opportunity for men to realise their divine purpose as fathers, workers, leaders, lovers, role models and present an opportunity to serve their community.


This provides an opportunity for youth to be different in their work with God. A fun and exciting place where youth get closer to Jesus in their own language. Provides an opportunity to share their daily experiences about the love of Jesus.

Business Men/Women Fellowship

Are you running your own business or are you thinking of being your own boss? Would you like to be part of network of Business Men and Women Fellowship? Please call us on 01255425574. You will benefit from a large network of professionals, tradesmen and women.
This ministry aims to encourage business men and women through a network of Godly meetings and conferences which will help to provide information necessary to make wise decisions in their businesses.


Provides an atmosphere in which singles can learn, interact, grow and mature in Christ.

Community HUB

Charity sales run by volunteers takes place every Wednesday and Saturdays from 10:00am at our Clacton on Sea Church – Clicc Solid Rock Light Chapel, Union Rd, CO15 2RA This unique event presents opportunity for members of the community to meet, network and drink teas or coffees with light refreshment as well as strengthening and giving each other faithlift, meeting God who alone can change and make things happen.

The TOP team

We encourage everyone to be a source of joy to others. “Be a Bringer” .Endeavour to tell someone new each day about Jesus, your God and what He can do.

Discover to Recover Radio

We broadcast our services live on Sundays @ 11;00am. Please tune in and join us.

Voice of Light International Choir

If you are a singer or musician or will like to sing and be part of this ministry, please contact us 01255425574

Student Group

The student Group fellowship addresses issues student face in their day to day. This fellow presents an opportunity to network, prays and shares ideas in an atmosphere of love and joy. Please contact us for more details.

Intercessory Group

For personal prayers , please contact the intercessory team or email

Summer Outing

Every Summer time, the church organises outing to Theme Parks, Sea side etc. Everyone is welcome to be part of the fun packed events.

Counseling Ministry

For your counseling matters, please call the office on 01255425574